Wednesday, March 4, 2015

TV Shows SOL 3/5/14

Some people think that watching TV is a way to relax and take your mind of the present, like your mind floats up into the clouds somewhere or something like that, but I think that sounds too gentle-it's more like it yanks your mind into it's own world. Whenever I find myself watching a TV show, my mind starts to be drawn into it. I start thinking about the characters and the people and what would I do and OMG please don't kill him and so on and so on. Sometimes I get so attached to a TV show I honestly find myself fantasizing what would happen if I lived inside of it. Ok, I daydream a lot, but it's really kind of horrible to get so attached to a show, BECAUSE IT'S NOT REAL! It's fictional. All the characters and people and plotlines and story and drama that I love and that I fit right into in my dreams aren't REAL. I tell myself this to keep myself from fantasizing over TV shows, movies, and books like this-but I can't help myself from falling in love with a new set of characters or plot. My latest TV show obsessions: , The Walking Dead, Breaking Bad, Pretty Little Liars (I'm way behind on all of these because I don't watch that much TV-no spoilers!), ...and of course, The Voice (but that's not a recent obsession). Maybe that's why I love The Voice so much-because it's actually real, and proves that people in the real world can be just as awesome as fictional characters. That's one of the MANY reasons I love The Voice, of course. I can't just choose one.


  1. I feel the same about TV shows. you get attached to them, and when they leave your depressed. when did you start watching the voice? my mom started watching it on the third season.

  2. Interesting. That sounds true for lots of things (games, books, movies). Fun!

  3. I liked this a lot, and I totally relate. Especially about Pretty Little Liars, it makes me a little bit crazy sometimes.

  4. I don't watch a lot of TV but when I do, I get a similar experience. It's really awesome.

  5. I liked your post. I totally understand the dreams and getting sucked into it part. Nice Slice.

  6. Nice slice Sarah! I sometimes forget that tv is actually not real sometimes.

  7. I agree. I do this all the time with movies.
