Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Hawaii SOL 3/4/14

We drift closer and closer to the cliff, gliding across the deep blue water. I can hear the lapping of the ocean waves, and everything suddenly seems super quiet as I get used to the engine being turned off. Our guide stands up in the boat and it rocks side to side. I pull on a t-shirt over my swimsuit as I feel the warm sun burning my skin, little pieces flaking off in the warm sunlight as I give up on my goal not to get ANOTHER sunburn. Suddenly the guide guns the boat and we pull closer to the black rock cliffs. I was in Hawaii this summer, riding on a snorkeling trip off of the coast of the Big Island. My brother sits across from me, my mom behind me, and my dad diagonal, with the rest of the boat scattered with strangers. Suddenly the guide guns the boat and we speed up in our course towards the cliffs. We pass into the shadowy area created by the black rock cliffs above and shiver. We pull faster and faster towards the cliff and my mom screams when it looks like we might crash. The crashing of the waves suddenly gets louder in my ears. I close my eyes as we speed towards the cliff-
And nothing happens. I look up and see that we are in a tiny sea cave. Water rushes in and we float up so I can almost run my hand along the wet, slimy looking, ceiling. The water rushes out and we fall again. The guide leans in toward the water. Look closely, he says. I squint at the water-and it's glowing. I blink a couple of times and it's still glowing. Underneath the surface of the water are millions of tiny little golden fish, reflecting light of their scales into the water.
This was my second time going to Hawaii. It was lots of fun and I'm so excited to go back with all of you!


  1. wow! thats so cool! I love the way you described everything. Nice! :)

  2. Sounds like an amazing thing to see. I wish I were going to Hawaii :)

  3. Sounds like a magical experience! I wish we were going to Hawaii too.
