Sunday, March 1, 2015

SOLSC #1-March 1st, 2015! Happy Day One, Everybody :)

I sit staring at the computer. What should I write?
But this wasn't the normal I've-run-out-of-ideas-I'll-write-a-super-boring-Slice-about-not-knowing-what-to-write type of thing. In fact, that almost never happens to me. This was like starting a story. If you were writing a collection of short stories, even about your life, and then packaging them up for your whole entire school to read, you'd want to put the most captivating story first. I had ideas jostling in my head, pushing each other out of the way for the honor of being the first Slice of the 31 day challenge, but somehow none of them seem right. Maybe I'll write about The Voice-no, no one's interested in that besides me, people will think my slices are boring. Or I'll write about Hawaii-that's a shared experience that all of us will have, but no one in Linda's Class wants to read about it-I'll lose that audience. I take a deep breath and decide to just type whatever comes into my head first.

"I sit staring at the computer. What should I write?'

Okay, maybe not the best opening line, because people will think it's one of those boring I've-run-out-of-ideas-I'll-write-a-super-boring-Slice-about-not-knowing-what-to-write Slices that as I've said, by the way, I NEVER do. So I specify it in the next sentence. I get sorta excited about this Slice, and start typing quickly, and within minutes, I have a semi-okay Slice that I hope will draw people to my blog again. Or maybe I'm overthinking this.
So Just Promise Me One Thing.
If this Slice is boring, please come back tomorrow.
Happy Day 1 of SOLSC, Everyone!


  1. Ahh. One down thirty more days of writers block left. That is too true.

  2. I really like the honesty and satire in this slice!

  3. Haha. Nice slice! I will definitely feel this way at least 10 times during the SOLSC.

  4. I know the exact same feeling. Nice slice Sarah:)

  5. I really liked this, it was cool that you showed your train of thought. I totally know what you mean. :)

  6. I've been trying to write my first SOL for this challenge for a week. Took until the deadline to finally get started. You encapsulated what I felt very well in this Slice. Good luck with the next thirty!
