Monday, March 10, 2014

Why I want to be a Singer/Songwriter/Popstar

I want to be Singer/Songwriter. Well technically I am, considering I write songs and sing, but I would like to be a popstar. Ok, you probably are like, that's stupid, yeah, only you and a billion other teenage girls want to be a popstar, etc. But I really love music, like to the point of obsession. In a good way. To me music is like something that I can write down all of my thoughts and feelings in. Music is also just amazing. Do you know anything that can bring people together or connect people like music. That is why I'd like to be a popstar, not because of the fame (well, maybe a little bit:)) but to share my music with the world. And of course, it has it's perks like going to the Grammys again year after year after year.
But technically I would be happy being a musician in any way, even if I wasn't famous or anything like that, just because I love it. I would love being a songwriter especially, either for musicals or probably other artists. Another thing that I love related to music is The Voice. I really don't know why I LOVE The Voice so much. As you think about it, it really just doesn't make sense, but it rocks, there's good music, and I just love it. I'm so obsessed with it again, in a good way I guess probably ( I hope:)). Maybe the contestants are just amazing, most of the time. Go Team Adam and Team Blake!!!


  1. I love The Voice, too! I love it because the judges are always so positive. Go for your dream! Who cares if "a billion other teenage girls want to be a popstar." It's what YOU want that matters. Music is magical - go make it! :-)

  2. I really like how you talk about music bringing people together and how you want to be part of that! It is very real and wonderful!
