Saturday, March 29, 2014


This whole slice of life challenge has given me the chance to share so many of my interests and voice my opinions. Now that it is ending I won't be able to do that as much. So here are two things that I won't get to slice about but I probably want to:
1. How cats are stereotyped
2. I love Starbucks
But I guess I'll talk about music. One of the reasons that I love music is all of the energy that goes into it. i just finished watching a tape with imagine dragons, who by the way are great performers, and there's just so much energy that goes into it. Imagine if a couple of aliens were beamed down into a concert. Why are humans going crazy for these noises, they'd think, when they don't go crazy with everyday noises like barking dogs, honking horns, sirens, etc. They'd think that we were mesmerized, hypnotized, kept captive under the musics spell, because we all look like we were feeling the exact same thing is the lyrics say. And maybe we are. But that's not a bad thing. When you find a song that you are able to connect to is the lyrics, and when you find a song that you can connect to in that way, the you will probably love the song. Songs have a lot of energy, yes ENERGY (Max, hint hint, can we pleasepleaseplease do a project on energy in music). I also love the energy of performing for thousands of people you can't really describe it. I have not been able to do this yet, but watch a video of an artist that you like playing there song for thousands, and you'll get what I mean. So...I think that what a song is originally about does matter, but you can also translate it to whatever you think. Here are some songs with meanings that I got that are good songs but I won't tell you what I got yet (you can guess! Exciting!!! :)!!!)
This one is kind of depressing but a great song:
i did this for a unit project:


  1. I listened to both at the same time and it sounds really weird

  2. I havent heard a lot of Avril Lavigne, but I have heard Counting Stars. I loved your slice, and previous ones too!

  3. Next either have I

    I think you obsess over her though

    1. yeah i do
      But for a good reason
      you should listen to some of her stuff
