Sunday, March 23, 2014

The Voice (yay)!!!

The first time I watched The Voice was probably in Season 2, one time in the finally where CeeLo and this rocker lady with black hair and a lot of piercings on her face was snarling a song. I now know that the lady's name was Juliet Simms, and the song was called born to be wild, but being 10 maybe almost 11 at that time I had no idea what was going on. The one thing I remember especially was the cage with the creepy people that had dressed up as tigers trapped inside. And the fire that shot out behind them. Certainly entertaining, but didn't stick in my mind.
The next time that I watched the Voice was a little bit less than a year later, and a little more than a year ago. i don't know how it started, but suddenly we just started watching The Voice. This is actually a surprise to me, because my mom and especially my dad are strictly against watching too much TV. Especially when it's something that was not sports, which hold the number one TV watching rights in my dad's mind. We started following the show week by week, episode by episode, and it just eventually became part of our routine. I slowly fell more and more in love with this show. I wasn't allowed to watch most of the shows live, so I watched them once with my family on the weekends, maybe again on my iPod, and enough highlights over and over again that it was enough to be like I watched it a third time. By the time we got to the live rounds, or especially the final live rounds, late into the show, I was officially in love with this show.
I don't think that The Voice is just another reality singing competition, like some people would say American Idol or the X Factor are. One of the reasons that I love The Voice is that it's main goal is not basically the entertainment of the audience but the artist's journey, and the entertainment just follows right after that, and is better then most shows too. The judges aren't told what to say, and they aren't judges who actually make fun of the contestants, they're more like coaches. They also all get along really well, and are hilarious with just being themselves, without being scripted. It's also all very real-world. By just letting the artists just be themselves, they created a better show then one with all of the planning in the world.


  1. I like to watch it too, Sarah, but when I miss, then I don't know who left & who made it through, etc. Toward the end, I find I begin to choose favorites, which is fun. And I agree, the 'stars' seem very nice, at least I hope they're what is shown. I love the talent!

  2. *sarcastic font* You love The Voice? Who could have known? *end sarcastic font* I like how you wrote about this weekly slice of your life and how it came to be that way.
