Thursday, March 6, 2014

Security Cameras

Security cameras are bad. They are meant to catch villains, and if you are trying to steal 1,000,000 on you day off, they suck. This is most everybody's view on security cameras in a nutshell. There are also those really annoying ones that catch you (or if you're a middle schooler like me, your parents) one inch over the parking line and someone comes and yells at you and gives you a ticket and you end up being late to soccer practice or whatever. The guy in the security room booth must have a very boring job, too. Maybe that defeats the purpose of security cameras, if the guy monitoring them just falls asleep.
But one thing that occurs to me just now is that security cameras don't just capture all of the bad stuff that happens in the world, they also capture the good stuff too. It's not like they're monitoring all of the happiness that goes on in the world, it's just, well I guess that you could say a hazard of looking for crime and law-breaking and criminals. I bet you that the guy watching the security cameras all day doesn't just see boring stuff and occasionally maybe the crime that they were looking for in the first place, I bet they see random acts of kindness, spontaneous hugs, and happy dancing and singing. So maybe that wouldn't be the worst job in the world anyways.
Just something to think about.


  1. That was a really interesting SOL topic! Nice! I agree with the slice!

  2. It's really weird, but I love security cameras. It's fun to dance and watch yourself in the stores that have the screen where you can see them.

  3. I really liked how it was more or a less a personal story, and then you changed it into a slice yo really have to sit back and think about. It was great!

  4. That was an interesting topic (like gavin said), security cameras are something that you see every day, but don't really think about if the guy behind them falls asleep, or what things might be captured on them. Nice work Sarah.
