Tuesday, December 2, 2014

I Am Malala

This week I read I am Malala by Malala Yousafzi, co-written by Christina Lamb (which btw is a lot more boring name then Malala Yousfazi). It is non-fiction. First of all, this is a book that I would definitely not normally read. Even so, it was really good. For those of you who don't know, Malala is a Pakistani girl who was 16 at the time when she stood up for woman's education in Pakistan and was promptly shot in the head. After that, her life got crazy; she has to deal with a devastating brain injury, trying to survive the shot, and moving to Great Britain and America, and the rush that comes with being famous. This book was really good, but kind of gets off to a slow start, so don't be surprised when it does start very slowly. This book doesn't have to many mature references, but she did live in Pakistan in experienced some pretty unfair things there, and was shot in the head, so there is that; but not much. It is probably fine for anyone in the class; it's a great book. Malala was very likable at the end, even if not so much at the beginning, and seems like a cool person. Overall, I would totally recommend this book to people.
My Next Books:
Kindred (book group)
Blue Lily, Lily Blue
Counting By Sevens
Forgive Me, Leonard Peacock

1 comment:

  1. I think that her story is incredible and I have been wanting got read this book thanks for the suggestion.
