Friday, November 8, 2013


For the people who didn't check book blogs last week, here is: Allegiant! I feel so behind!
Anyways, I read Allegiant by Veronica Roth. This was the third book in the Divergent series, and it was second-best in my opinion to Divergent, but better than Insurgent. Let's start this off by saying
WARNING: You will read this book in about 2 hours maximum. It's really good. In this book, Tris and Co. finally find out all of the secrets that people have been keeping from them. A lot of people die and it is really depressing, especially the ending. Honestly, the ending was super depressing but I felt like it fit in very well with the whole book series and was actually pretty good (that does not mean it wasn't depressing). I love the fact that everything doesn't go right the whole time/in the ending, like most books. It was extremely fast paced, maybe not quite as much as the other two, but still. In one moment the characters were in one place, the next moment there was something else and totally different going on. I would call this book dystopian/adventure, and definitely would recommend reading the other two books before you read this one, Divergent and Insurgent. Overall, this was a great book, and you have to read it if you've read the first or second book in the series, or both!!!


  1. I haven't read any books in this series, but I really want to!

  2. I still haven't read Insurgent or Allegiant, but I'll get there...someday. Nice description and reveiw.

  3. No kidding! Where did you get your blog background?

  4. I thought it was a good ending, in terms of being well written and fitting in, but it's not the ending everybody wants.

  5. I would like to read Allegiant soon. Also, I agree with Gavin. Awesome background

  6. Glad you mostly liked it. I enjoyed the story and the entire series overall. I wonder how many people in class will read/review the series this year?

  7. This book took me a week to finish, It just wasn't engaging.
