Thursday, January 30, 2014

The Fault in Our Stars

THIS WAS A REALLY GOOD BOOK!!! This book was about a 16 year old girl named Hazel who has cancer. She has to be connected to an oxygen tank at all times, and she takes drugs and stuff. She meets a guy at her support group type thing and he becomes her boyfriend... I guess it's basically about her fight with cancer and helping each other through the ups and downs of their life. I really can't say more than that without giving it away, but just please READ THIS BOOK!!! It's crazily good and really makes you not take what you have for granted. It's not really a traditional love story at all, I wouldn't really call it a romance story. My description sounds really boring, but it's not. The characters are actually really connectable and totally just could be someone you know. The plot is totally surprising, and even when it's not just really smart and well written. It also makes you not take what you have for granted and really enjoy all of the amazingness of life. OK, now your probably going to read it and be disappointed because I made it sound so good, but it's definitely worth reading. The style is pretty cool, I read it in about 3 days, and it's not that hard to read. So yeah, read this book!


  1. I will take your recommendation. It seems as though everyone I have known that has read it (which is a lot of people) said it was really good, so I might wait a while so I'm not reading it when everyone else is. Do you think boys would like it?

    1. Yeah. One of the main characters is a boy too.

  2. OH MY GOD! I LOVE THIS BOOK SO MUCH!!!!!!!!!!!! OKAY? ;)

  3. I thought that it was a good book, and I agree with practically everything said here

  4. I have heard about this book, but I didn't know it was so good. Thanks for the suggestion and I really want to read it!!
