Saturday, March 14, 2015

Slice 3/15 (Halfway Through!) Canolis and Boston

Quinn, Kyra, Kate, Etti, and I all sat at the rectangular table, eating the best canolis like, ever. We were in Boston on our spring trip, and we had just spent the last 5 hours walking the freedom trail by ourselves in our little group, stopping at three Starbucks, walking right by the Levis factory, spotted a stray cat, and even visited the occasional historical site (which was actually super cool). We had then gone to this tiny cafe on the way back to eat canals, which are basically a tube of deliciousness filled with a yummy-cream-thing and topped with like, 5 toppings. We were all sitting at the table eating Canolis, and had just finished them when someone glanced at the time and realized that we had about 30 minutes to run all the way back through Boston to our meeting point which took us two hours before. We grabbed all of our stuff, stuffed our field journals and pencils in our bag, said thank you and payed the owner of the restaurant, and ran out. We ran, without stopping, all the way back to the group of people, with a minute to spare. Everyone cheered when they saw us running. It turns out that we weren't even the last people there. Oh well. It was fun.
A Canoli. The Italians seriously ROCK sometimes...


  1. Canals are amazing. Definitely. We had some as well.

  2. Yummy! I like how you described what you saw, nice :)
