Thursday, March 12, 2015

Opening Night SOL 3/12/15

Opening Night for me in a play is the best night because you don't know what's going to happen. The other couple nights you have a sense of repetition, of knowing what's going on. Some people like that, and I do too, sometimes. But for me it's really all about the opening, and the adrenaline rush, of something going wrong and the having to use your mind to fix it. It's more of an accomplishment that way. Today is opening night of the AS Play and I am so, so Excited to finally present something that we have been working on for months (and yeah, I'm kinda tired of it too). But it's super cool to be able to put on a play with about 40 other people, with cast and crew, that most of which are actually my friends. You all should come watch us (even though my part kinda sucks, I have like a thousand scenes but I have like one line in all of them). If I had to pick a favorite part (besides the being onstage, of course)? Well, not to sound totally conceited or anything, but I like at the end, applauding for my friends and soaking up the applause myself. It's a cool sense of accomplishment, knowing that everything went wrong, but judging by the reaction, nobody saw and nobody cares.


  1. I'm so excited to see the play! Opening nights are so exciting. I remember mine when I was in drama in high school. Be awesome tonight!!!

  2. I love openings because everyone is always so nervous and that makes the show better. I also love the unknowingness and you described it really well.

  3. I lov how you describe this. Opening night when so well, you did great!
