Sunday, December 15, 2013

The Book Theif

This week I read The Book Thief by Micheal Zusak. This is one of those books that everyone kept telling me I had to read and never really got around to it. But warning:  this is a really good book. I should have listened to everybody earlier. This book follows the life of a child named Liesel in Nazi Germany during WWII. She's a pretty normal person, but at the same time a lot of pretty awesome things happen to her, and she ends up maybe making a very, very small difference to a lot of people by doing a lot of really small things. All of the characters are really lovable and it's even kind of funny sometimes, even though the topic is really grim. It's also kind of weird; the book is told from a weird perspective; you pretty much figure it out in the first chapter but I still don't want to give away too much. It's kind of a long book, just a little bit; it's more than 500 pages ( I think 530? I should go see and probably check it out if I find it, wherever it went). Anyways, this isn't the easiest book to read, but it's not really hard either. Part of it is that there are SO MANY WORDS PER PAGE, that it's kind of ridiculous. At least in my book. I would totally recommend this book to almost everyone in our class, even though it's kind of grim and depressing sometimes, especially the ending (no spoilers):)!!! Overall, awesome book.
3-5 books I might read next: The Fault in Our Stars by John Green
Far, Far Away, by Tom McNeil
The Good Earth, by Pearl Buck
Huckleberry Finn, by Mark Twain
The Eyre Affair by Jasper Fforde.


  1. It sounds like a good book I want to read it

  2. I completely agree with this description, and yes the ending is kinda depressing :P.


  3. I have this on my Kindle and I will probably read it over break.

  4. duuuuude duude duuuuuuude duude coooool duude
