Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Racing in the Rain

This week I read Racing in the Rain  by Garth Stein. This was the teenage/ young adult-/whatever adaptation of the book The Art of Racing in the Rain, which I've also read, but I think that this adaptation is probably more connectable to people our age. This book is told from the view of a dog, and is probably the best dog biography that I've ever read; it's not like other books told at the viewpoint of a dog at all, it's totally different. Racing in the Rain is also really good; I read it in less than a day and it's about 350 pages long. The book kind of follows the storyline of the dog's life, focusing in on eight years. It talks about how the dog (who's name is Enzo) gets affected when a couple of awful thing happen to his family, when his owner's wife dies of brain cancer, and his mom-and-dad-in-law start trying to take custody of his toddler, insisting that his career is getting in the way of taking good care of her, which is definitely not true. It talks about everything happens around this point in time from Enzo's perspective. WARNING: This book is really sad, and really relatable. I mean, really sad. Overall though, the message is positive, and it's a great book. Really. You should read it. I think it's worth reading both the adult adaptation and this one, the one for adults is on the higher end of our reading level, and this one is on the lower end, but the teenage adaptation is more relatable and I would start with that. I would compare this book to books like See you at Harry's and A Mango Shaped Space, but it's really not like either of those and is totally original. Overall, great book.
Wow. That was a lot of writing.


  1. I read this over the summer and really liked it. I also read this book called A Dog's Purpose which you'll probably like.

  2. It looks really good. I'll but this on my TBR list.

  3. I haven't read a dog biography since Shae's class (When she still taught IS) so it will be interesting to read a more "advanced" animal biography

  4. I heard of it and I really want to read it

  5. I Want To Read It And It Is Next On My TBR List
    Let Me Guess: The Guy Gets In A Crash!
