Monday, February 9, 2015


I refuse to believe that I am insignificant.
Why not? I am one in billions, standing on a tiny speck of safe ground in the middle of the universe, stretching on for billions of billions of light years, miles, kilometers, to who knows where. 7 billion people, 8 planets, 100 billion star systems, and 100 galaxies all containing even more of these things, to be exact. But still I refuse to believe that I am insignificant.
Why? Because I'm not. By saying I'm insignificant you would be saying that people are insignificant. I mean, if we're insignificant, why are we even alive? Why would there have been a scientific miracle to bring independently thinking, feeling people alive on this circle of rock known as a planet. Was it a coincidence? I just don't think that I'm insignificant. I mean, if I did something horrible, like die right now, it wouldn't effect the world. The stars wouldn't fall from the sky and the world wouldn't collapse and people wouldn't fall to the floor dead. But I hope that people would care. I mean, what do we have to live for, if we're all insignificant? If we can't do anything with our life, are we doomed to just walk around aimlessly, fulfilling our ambitions to just realize that they are all futile in the point of the universe? I don't think that that works. If we are so insignificant to the universe, is in insignificant to be significant to our happiness. (Okay, that makes no sense. Please proceed in the reading of the beautiful text. But think about it. Are our biggest achievements insignificant in the grand scheme of things? I'm saying no, but that the whole point of this SOL).
And even if life is all a coincidence, I say we make the most of this chance to be alive. I mean, being alive is a great thing. In the people are the things that make us happy, that make us like living. our friends, family, and the things that people do and make, like music, or art, or just a kind thing that your friend says to you, or when someone who you hardly know smiles at you in the hall. So don't ever believe that you are insignificant to anyone. Because while we are alive, no matter how small compared to the universe we are significant enough to maybe try and make those 7 billion people, 8 planets, 100 billion star systems, and 100 galaxies a better place. We all have a very limited time on this Earth, and we are all significant to do something, if we try. Don't let it slip

Hey so-Gavin did a contrasting view to this blog post called "Insignificance." You should go check it out. Right... Here
Sry I couldn't do a hyperlink. It's not working.   


  1. Dude woah. That was super good and a little confusing but it gave me a different perspective for the moment.

    1. Thanks! yeah, It's super confusing and probably didn't make sense at all, but I'm glad that it gave you a different perspective. You should go check out Gavin's counter-view SOL too. :)
